

Welcome to my blog. Please take a look around the website and stay as long as you would like!

My hope is that this website will fill a need. There are so many complex grieving situations, and losses which are complicated to mourn. Perhaps this site can become a community of support and information. I am excited to see what it will bring.

A little about me: I am an art therapist and social worker with 20 years of experience working with grief and loss.

I also have my own history of complex loss which certainly drew me to this work. I was born into a grieving family. I had a six year old sister who died before I was born. My experience as a subsequent sibling (a person born after the death of a brother or sister) had a big impact on my life and identity. I have made a page on this website specifically about subsequent siblings, and I look forward to creating a forum here about all types of complex losses.

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